Everybody has a superpower

Strengths for the Classroom

Character Strengths are the positive parts of your personality that impact how you think, feel and behave. Knowing and applying them helps you and your students to do and to be your best. 
Get started on a common language of what's right with you:
24 pathways toward happiness and success.
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4 weeks
1 hour per week


Foundational Literacy for promoting wellbeing and overcoming adversity

  • 4 (1 per week) self-paced learning modules
  • 3 ✨Sparks: short, fun exercises 
  • 1 classroom-ready lesson
  • Free Strengths activities
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After registering you will receive an email that allows you to set up your account and gain access when the course opens.

Check out a list of the weekly topics below.
Write your awesome label here.

Course contents