Level 3 Certificate in

Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities.

£599  £525
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Guided Learning Hours


Total Qualifications Hours

The Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities learning qualification is designed to develop the knowledge and competence of individuals who already work in a Health and Social Care or Education environment but are new to working with individuals who have learning disabilities. Throughout the course learners will explore a wide range of skills required when working with individuals who have learning disabilities.  The course will also enable learners to develop a strong understanding of how to support individuals with learning disabilities to make their own decisions and make the most of their lives.

Units Covered

This qualification consists of 6 mandatory units. You will cover the following units:
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6

Understand the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilities

In this unit learners will:
  • Be able to identify relevant legislation that is designed to promote human rights, inclusion, equal life chances and citizenship of individuals who have learning disabilities.

  • Be able to understand the nature and characteristics of learning disabilities.

  • Be able to understand the historical context of learning disabilities.
  • Be able to understand the basic principles and practices of advocacy, empowerment, and active participation in relation to support individuals and their families.
  • Be able to understand how specific views and attitudes can have an impact on an individual with learning disabilities and their families.
  • Know how to promote communication with individuals who have learning disabilities.

Promote communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings

In this unit learners will:
  • Understand why it is important to maintain effective communication in a work setting.
  • Be able to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals
  • Be able to overcome barriers to communication.
  • Be able to apply the principles and practices that relate to confidentiality.

Support person-centred thinking and planning

In this unit learners will:
  • Understand the principles and practice of person-centred thinking, planning and reviews.
  • Understand the context in which person-centred thinking and planning takes place.
  • Understand their own role in regard to person-centred planning.
  • Be able to apply person-centred planning in relation to their own life.
  • Be able to implement person-centred thinking, planning and reviews.

Understand how to support individuals with autistic spectrum conditions

In this unit learners will:
  • Understand the main characteristics of autistic spectrum conditions.
  • Understand how autistic spectrum conditions can impact on the lives of individuals around them.
  • Understand different theories and concepts about autism.
  • Understand the legal and policy framework that underpins good practice in the support of individuals with autistic spectrum conditions.
  • Understand how to achieve effective communication with individuals with an autistic spectrum condition.
  • Understand how to support individuals with an autistic spectrum condition.

Facilitate learning and development activities to meet individual needs and preferences

In this unit learners will:
  • Understand the role of learning and development activities in meeting individual needs.
  • Be able to identify learning and development activities to meet individual needs and preferences.

  • Be able to plan learning and development activities with individuals.
  • Be able to prepare for learning and development activities.
  • Be able to facilitate learning and development activities with individuals.
  • Be able to evaluate and review learning and development activities.

Promote Positive Behaviour

In this unit learners will:
  • Understand how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relate to positive behaviour support.
  • Understand the context and use of reactive and proactive strategies.
  • Be able to promote positive behaviour.
  • Be able to respond appropriately to incidents of challenging behaviour.
  • Be able to support individuals and others following an incident of challenging behaviour.
  • Be able to review and revise approaches to promoting positive behaviour.