Welcome to this course on how to be an amazing teaching assistant. The overall aim of this course is to give you some tips, advice and insight into research that will help you to build upon your teaching assistant skills.
Module One: RelationshipsIn module one, we will be looking at relationships. These are the relationships you have with your teachers and with the children you work with. We will explore some barriers and some solutions to improve these relationships and look at the importance of communication.
Module Two: Know Your RoleIn module two, we will explore your role. We will look at the some research from the Education Endowment Foundation on how best schools can utilize your skill set. We will explore the professional standards for your role and discuss the importance of you knowing your own job description. We will also look at what personal qualities teaching assistants need to be amazing and effective.
Module Three: Know Your WorthIn module three, we will be discussing the importance of your role and knowing your worth. We will explore the value you add to the classroom, both among teachers and the children you work with.
Study time: 90 mins