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This story covers the following themes:

  • Emotional Wellbeing
  • Life online
  • Equality and diversity
  • Bullying online and offline
  • Practical decision making skills
  • Personal safety
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Accident prevention
Topics Covered
Learning Outcomes
This story will cover the following topics:
  • Understanding how people and situations may pose a risk to us, even if those situations seem ‘ok’ to begin with.
  • Raising awareness of how a situation can quickly get out of control.
  • Raising awareness that people may appear to be ‘good’, ‘honest’ and ‘trustworthy’, but may not be.
  • Ensuring children understand that all people, regardless of gender, are equal and deserve the same rights and respect as each other.
  • Understanding when and how to safely challenge someone safely.
  • Ensuring the concept of consent is fully understood.
  • Understanding who can touch me, and in what context it is ok to do so.
  • Understanding when touch is not ok.
  • Children knowing when they need to involve a trusted adult with an issue they cannot manage alone.
  • Promoting that children should always tell an adult they know they can trust, if they are worried or scared.
The outcomes of this story are:
  • I can tell you what being safe means to me.
  • I feel more confident in dealing with a situation that i may find myself in.
  • I know that a situation may appear 'ok', but might pose a risk to me.
  • I know when I should involve a trusted adult.
  • I can talk about things that worry or concern me to a trusted adult. 

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