Domestic Abuse: The Impact on Children and Young People

   1 CPD points
 4 modules
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In this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of the issue of domestic abuse – what it is, how it affects children and young people and how to support children and young people when they experience domestic abuse at home. You will also think about how to enable children and young people to develop healthy relationships of their own. 

This course is separated into four modules of learning:

Module One: What is Domestic Abuse?
In this module, we will be looking at what domestic abuse is and some of the issues associated with it. 

Module Two: How Domestic Abuse Affects Children, Young People and Adult Victims
In this module, we will be looking at the trauma that children, young people and adults experience as a result of domestic abuse and what this means for them. 

Module Three: Strategies to Support Victims of Domestic Abuse
In this module, we will look at strategies to support victims of domestic abuse. Most importantly, how we can make sure that the hurt experienced by being the victim does not become a lifelong trauma?

Module Four: Helping Children and Young People to Develop Positive Relationships
In this module, we will look at how we can support children and young people to develop positive relationships of their own. 

Study time: 60 mins