Collaborative Learning

   1 CPD points
   3 modules
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The aim of this course is to help you implement a range of strategies that facilitate collaboration in today’s classrooms; taking the best practice and shaping activities that fit comfortably in our schools.

We have built the course so that you can use what you already know as the foundation of your learning.

This course is separated into three modules of learning:

Module One: Why Collaborative Learning is Important
In this module, we will review why collaborative learning is important, research focusing on the learning pyramid, typical ingredients of effective collaborative learning, what makes a good team, and personal reflection on your team approaches. 

Module Two: Collaboration in Your Classroom
In this module, we will use the key features of successful collaborative learning to reflect on our practice – to identify our strengths and fine-tune activities to unleash even more student creativity. 

Module Three: Taking Collaboration Online
In this module, we will look at how teachers have used online collaboration tools to continue classroom dialogue remotely. 

Study time: 60 mins