Advanced Safeguarding, Child Protection and Prevent Jan24

   2 CPD points
  9 modules
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Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people is everyone’s responsibility. Education settings including play centres, nurseries, schools and colleges play an essential role in protecting children and young people who may be at risk from harm, abuse and neglect. They do this by creating a safe environment, providing robust policies and procedures, regular training and updates ensuring that the adults who work in the organisation, including supply staff and volunteers, don’t pose a risk to children.
Completion of this course will provide you with all the necessary up-to-date knowledge with regards to government legislation, policy, guidance and best practice from experts in the field to show all safeguards are put in place to protect children and young people from preventable harm.
As a result of completing this course you will:

  • Gain a clear understanding of the  importance of safeguarding children and young people
  • Have an applicable context of safeguarding through studying high profile case studies
  • Learn key safeguarding legislation and 5 mandatory safeguarding policies for every organisational approach to protecting children.
  • Know your role in ensuring the safety and welfare of children and young people in your environment
  • Understand the benefits of early help and what to look out for
  • Understand the different categories of child abuse and accurately identify the signs of abuse under these categories
  • Develop strategies to deal with safeguarding children and young people in online environments.
  • Recognise and know the appropriate response(s) in handling disclosures of abuse from young people.
  • Know your role on preventing radicalisation and extremism