Connex School Workforce Training
Connex Education are committed to ensuring you have the most up-to-date professional development and are job ready for your role as part of the school workforce.
We require our School Workforce staff to possess effective skills, ensuring a safe learning environment. We hope you find out job ready training.
Each of the Job Ready Courses are free to members of our supply community. You will need to complete each course before we can place you on assignment. You will also be able to download your certificate for each course as part of your CPD record. We hope you find your job ready training valuable.
Scroll across to see all the courses available to you.
Each of the Job Ready Courses are free to members of our supply community. You will need to complete each course before we can place you on assignment. You will also be able to download your certificate for each course as part of your CPD record. We hope you find your job ready training valuable.
Scroll across to see all the courses available to you.
Connex School Workforce Training
Our investment in your Professional Development
Trusted by over 30,000 users