Lesson Series

Weasel's Friends

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Lower 2

Key Stage

Lower 2

Resource Sheets


Video Story


Lesson Plans


Story Book



In the story we look at bullying.

We also look at how a bully might themselves be being exploited.

This story covers the following themes:

  • Emotional Wellbeing
  • Equality and diversity
  • Bullying - online and offline
  • Practical decision making skills
  • Personal safety
  • Health and Wellbeing
Topics Covered
Learning Outcomes
This story will cover the following topics:
  • What friendships are (and are not).
  • Understanding aspects of positive friendships and relationships.
  • What to expect from a friendship and what to do if that is not happening.
  • An understanding of what exploitation is by considering bullying behaviour as an example of this.
  • To promote that children should always tell an adult that they know they can trust, if they are worried or scared.
The outcomes of this story are:
  • I understand what friendship is and is not.
  • I can tell you what makes a positive relationship.
  • I know what to expect from a friendship.
  • I know what bullying is and some positive ways to deal with it.
  • I can tell you what a user is and what being used means.
  • I know how our actions can affect others.
  • I can explain how it might feel to be used (exploited).
  • I will be able to identify if I am being used or if someone else might be being used (exploited). 
  • I can tell you what trust means and why it is very important in friendships.
  • I can talk about why it might feel difficult to talk about a problem with someone.
  • I can tell you what makes it easier to talk to someone when people need help.
  • I can describe the qualities of someone who can be trusted.
  • I know that it is important to speak to someone if you or someone else is being bullied.
  • I understand ways to deal with difficult situations in a more positive way.
  • I can understand how it might feel to be bullied or used.
  • I understand that bullying has a lasting impact on people.
  • I know how to talk to someone and get help about a difficult ‘thing’.

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