Lesson Series

You Are Great, As You Are!

Write your awesome label here.

Lower 2

Key Stage


Lesson Plans


Resource Sheets


Story Book


Video Story

Dog is treated very badly by Weasels family. They say things to him that are nasty and hurtful, and worst of
all the things they say are not even true!

Topics Covered
Story Outcomes
This story will cover the following topics:
  •  Stereotypes, racism, prejudice and tolerance
The outcomes of this story are:
  • To understand what a stereotype is
  • How stereotypical attitudes can create negative and ‘false’ views towards others
  • How stereotyping can lead to racism, prejudice and intolerance
  • How a person should be judged on their own individual behaviours and characteristics, not by a stereotypical view of them
  • That we should treat everyone as equals, as in many ways we are all essentially the same
  • That we should value what both makes us all similar and also different
  • That we should treat others how we would like, and deserve, to be treated ourselves
  • Understanding how what we say can affect other people
  • That you should always tell an adult you know you can trust if you are worried or scared