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Lower 2 

In the story we look at what can happen if we do things we are told to do by others online.

We also look at how bad a situation can get when we don't get help from a trusted adult when we are told to do things by people online. 

This story covers the following themes:

  • Emotional Wellbeing
  • Life online
  • Bullying - online and offline
  • Practical decision making skills
  • Personal safety
  • Health and Wellbeing
Topics Covered
Learning Outcomes
This story will cover the following topics:
  • Developing an understanding of the potential risks associated with being online
  • Developing an understanding that not everything
    online is always accurate or truthful
  • Ensuring a child knows they should check with a trusted adult to confirm what they see online is
    true or false
  • Ensuring a child knows that friends they have
    made online, especially those they have never met, may not be who they say they are
  • Ensuring children are aware of how to stay as safe as possible in different situations.
  • Understanding some of the potential consequences of online grooming, misinformation and disinformation.
  • To promote that children should always tell an adult they know they can trust, if they are worried or scared.
The outcomes of this story are:
  • I know I should get help for a friend if I think they are at risk.
  • I understand that information found online, such as on websites, isn’t always truthful or correct.
  • I can understand that a person I have never met in real-life might not be who they say they are.
  • I can know what the terms misinformation and disinformation mean, and some of the reasons why people might spread misinformation and disinformation.
  • I know some skills and strategies that I can use to keep myself and others safe online, including how to check information on websites and seeking adult help and support.
  • I understand some of the consequences of sharing or believing disinformation.

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