Lesson Series

Soggy Moggy

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Lower 2







Moggy likes to play in the rain and post pictures of himself, but what do the other animals have to say about this?

This story covers the following themes:

  • Emotional Wellbeing
  • Life online
  • Equality and diversity
  • Bullying - Online and offline
  • Practical decision making skills
  • Personal safety
  • Health and Wellbeing
Topics Covered
Learning Outcomes
This story will cover the following topics:
  • How to interact with each other respectfully
    and responsibly online and offline
  • How words can hurt even if they are not meant to
  • How to apologise to someone if you want to,
    or need to
  • Understanding what consent is and why it's
    important to respect
  • Practical coping techniques and strategies
The outcomes of this story are:
  • For children to understand what being
    responsible for ourselves and towards each 
    other means
  • For children to understand how our actions
    can affect others, positively or negatively
    both online and offline
  • For children to understand how words can
    cause upset and distress to people and how
    easily an online message can be misunderstood
  • For children to empathise with others if they
    are upset, effective ways of saying sorry and
    ways to show kindness and compassion
  • For children to understand ways they can be respectful and responsible digital citizens
  • For children to know what to do if someone uses words or actions and we do not like it 
  • For children to know when they need to involve an adult, they know they can trust and who will listen to them, if they need any help or support

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