In the story we look at how we can stay as safe as possible around dogs.
We also look at responsibility and getting help when it is needed.
This story covers the following themes:
Emotional Wellbeing
Equality and diversity
Bullying - Online and offline
Practical decision making skills
Personal safety
Health and wellbeing
Accident Prevention
Topics Covered
Learning Outcomes
This story will cover the following topics:
Understanding how to behave around dogs.
Understanding that if a dog is growling, it's means it’s not happy, so stay away from it, and then go and tell an adult who can be trusted straight away.
Understanding that dogs, and other animals, should always be shown respect.
Understanding that accidents can happen very quickly - so children always need to be supervised.
Promoting that children should always tell an adult, they know they can trust, if they are worried or scared.
The outcomes of this story are:
I understand that dogs can sometimes be dangerous.
I understand that there are things I can do to help keep myself safe around dogs.
I understand that whilst I can have a lot of things in common with someone, that I will also be very different from them.
I know that if something bad has happened I should tell an adult I can trust straight away.
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Connex Education Academy Limited is a registered company in England and Wales trading as Connex Education Academy.