Lesson Series

What is Consent?

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In this resource set we focus on consent, what it is, why it is so important for us and why gaining consent from someone is absolutely vital.
What is covered?
What are the outcomes for pupils?
This resource will cover the following topics:
  • Understand what consent means in the context of healthy relationships.
  • Explore the importance of consent and how without it, relationships can become unhealthy.
  • Understand some of the different ways consent can be sought and given.

  • Understand what exploitation and coercion means.
  • Clearly understand the kind of behaviour that is and isn’t acceptable in healthy relationships.
  •  Sources of support available to them should they ever need it.
The outcomes of this story are:
  • I understand what consent means and why it is important to ask for.
  • I can give examples of situations where consent is needed, and how to ask for and give it.
  • I have a basic understanding of ways in which people can show that they give permission/consent or not.

  • I know how different ways to ask for consent, how to give consent and how to refuse consent.
  • I understand what exploitation and coercion means and some examples of this kind of behaviour.
  • I can explain why consent is an important part of all healthy relationships.
  • I know how to ask for help and advice from a trusted adult.

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